when i hear the word recycling now, knowing it’s all a scam to make the individual thing they’re responsible, and can make profound change, just simply makes me sad
when i hear the word recycling now, knowing it’s all a scam to make the individual thing they’re responsible, and can make profound change, just simply makes me sad
none of it makes me feel better now that i know it isn’t a drop in a bucket in an ocean, it’s a ploy by manufacturers to make the public believe recycling moves the needle enough to not build political momentum to force them to change their practices in procuding all this fucking unrecyclable junk in the first place. it’s actually doin the opposite of helping, it’s cosigning the continued production practices in the first place. hard to get people to understand this after we’ve astroturfed with “recycle recycle recyle” for the last 50 years, and everybody’s got those neat bins they put out ever week.